Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Not so long ago... in the mysterious land... of Toronto Canada...

I was on my way to work at Sam the Record Man and I saw a homeless man and a police officer standing on the sidewalk. The two caught my attention because they seemed so casual, just shooting the shit having a coffee. Just when I started to think that the hobo was laying the destitution on a little thick, I noticed the US Post mailbox and realized I was not in Toronto, I was in Hollywood, Canada. The Cop and hobo were both actors.

They film movies here. I'm writing this from the Second Cup where they shot Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Sometimes the movies filmed in Toronto are not as cool as Scott Pilgrim, but lets leave The Love Guru alone.

I had this idea that I should have a website that deals with Toronto as a city on film. movies are always being shot here, I see a lot of movies, I have been to some exclusive screenings and I have met some amazing directors. The Toronto International Film Festival is the greatest public film festival in the World, Tiff's building, the Bell Lightbox is a beacon for film lovers, built for the love of film. The future of film in Toronto is so exciting someone needs to cover it. This blog should be a placeholder till the actual website launches. I plan on putting a lot of work into this and I will probably ask my friends for help, so thanks for your patience in advance.
