I leave my place and im at the Scotiabank theatre within 9 minutes.
A guy offers anyone a free ticket to hyde park on tbhe hudson the new Bill Muray film but it starts in 15 minutes and at the Elgin 20+ minutes away
im in line for a liars autobiography, the almost monty python 3d animatsd movie.
20 minutes till the p&i screening starts and i know the 6 people in front cant all be rushing the same film. Rushing press and industry screenings is much simpler than public screenings. Just four in line now. I think im getting a seat for sure...
And now im sitting comfy with my 3d glasses. Review to follow.
Funny, clever, drunken good times. I really loved this movie.
The second teaming of director Jason Reitman and writer Diablo Cody, Young Adult is about a woman named Mavis (Theron) who writes fiction for youth and can't seem to grow up herself. Void of any common sense she goes back home to convince her high school sweetheart he isn't happy with his wife and baby.
Writer Diablo Cody said she wanted to create a sort of female anti-hero in Mavis, and she certainly succeeds. Charlize Theron is as ugly on the inside as she was on the outside in 2003's Monster.
By eschewing the traditional character arc for Mavis, Diablo keeps it fresh. Don't expect the usual redemptive 180 degree turn.
Jason Reitman just knows what to do with Cody's script and really captures the tone. He direcs a fantastic cast and even find room for a JK Simmons cameo.
The soundtrack is well textured though the movie, never overpowering the story. The concept of the mix tape might be lost on some of the iPod generation but it's emotional significance is stil strong in many hearts.
Paton Oswalt is phenomenal, if you saw him in Big Fan you know he has the acting chops but he really swings for the fence in this piece, I would be surprised if he didn't get a best supporting actor nod for this.
Seeing Cody and Reitman together on stage it is obvious they enjoy the experience of making films together. She said it was easy to trust him with what she's written and he kept saying directing her screenplay was easy because "its all on the page". Hopefully these two will work together again in the future and the results will be just as fruitful. I'm writing it here, and I don't know if I'm first but... OSCAR BUZZ!
So impressed with his first visit to the Toronto Underground Cinema, Kevin Smith announced he would be coming back for an as-yet unnamed monthly screening series/podcast. Kevin's ability to sell-out in Toronto is well known to his fans, and a monthly Can-Con S.I.R. branded show would surely bring a welcome boost to the Underground's box office. The Toronto Underground Cinema, located on Spadina north of Queen St was the site of Edgar Wright's Wright Stuff 2 screening series.With so many great Directors shooting films in Toronto, Smith wouldn't have a hard time finding guests if he needed them.
I was on my way to work at Sam the Record Man and I saw a homeless man and a police officer standing on the sidewalk. The two caught my attention because they seemed so casual, just shooting the shit having a coffee. Just when I started to think that the hobo was laying the destitution on a little thick, I noticed the US Post mailbox and realized I was not in Toronto, I was in Hollywood, Canada. The Cop and hobo were both actors.
They film movies here. I'm writing this from the Second Cup where they shot Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Sometimes the movies filmed in Toronto are not as cool as Scott Pilgrim, but lets leave The Love Guru alone.
I had this idea that I should have a website that deals with Toronto as a city on film. movies are always being shot here, I see a lot of movies, I have been to some exclusive screenings and I have met some amazing directors. The Toronto International Film Festival is the greatest public film festival in the World, Tiff's building, the Bell Lightbox is a beacon for film lovers, built for the love of film. The future of film in Toronto is so exciting someone needs to cover it. This blog should be a placeholder till the actual website launches. I plan on putting a lot of work into this and I will probably ask my friends for help, so thanks for your patience in advance.